Wednesday 28 January 2009

Touched For the Very First Time?

Watching Knocked Up at Super Chris' house, I was reminded of a conversation I had with GP not long ago. I asked him if he a girl he didn't have feelings for, but who he found physically attractive asked him to sleep with her, would he do it? Obviously, the answer is yes, right? Were I not in a relationship, and a hot guy made the same offer to me, I would seriously be considering it - as evident by the stuff with Charmeleon. Then I asked GP the same question, only this time, adding in the condition that he was a virgin. I found it surprising that he didn't change his answer. He said that he considers virgin nothing more than a label, and it doesn't really hold much value other than to categorise people - ie. people who have had sex and people who haven't.

I guess way back in the old days (before I was born even - so that must be really old!) one way to guarantee that the child that resulted from your wedding night was yours was to ensure that the girl you married was a virgin, although I'm not really sure how you would go about that, but I'm sure they had some sort of mystical way. In an episode of Scrubs, Janitor says to people who have lied, "God is watching", and they feel compelled to tell the truth - although later in that episode, he also says, "Who is this God that everyone fears?" So to some degree, I think the idea of there being a "God" who will smite you down if you have sex before you are married was enough to stop most women from just throwing themselves out there, but now that we have so many methods of contraception, do we really need such an archaic belief? Not only do we have contraception, but we have paternity tests, so even if someone became pregnant, it is possible to work out who the father is - unless the confusion is between a set of genetically identical twins or something like that, then I'm not sure what to do.

There are plenty of people who still hold virginity in high regard - I'm one of them, in fact. Not for religious reasons, but in terms of something like your first step, your first day of school, the first time you sleep away from home, etc. It's kinda like a milestone. Though that opens up a whole other can of worms, with the whole expectation that guys should achieve that milestone as soon as possible, and the idea that girls who have been there, done that before a certain age are seen as sluts, whores, being "easy". Stereotypes aside, I think that if the entire thing with Charmeleon would have meant that he would have been my first, I don't think I would have gone along with it. Mostly because I wouldn't want the everlasting memory of my first time to have been with someone I didn't have romantic feelings for, but there was also another factor.

Charmeleon was the kind of guy who knew what he wanted in bed, and seeing as he was the second guy I had been with, I wasn't nearly as experienced as he was in that department. Obviously, being with him meant that I picked up some stuff I would never have learnt otherwise - AG didn't really seem to be into trying something new, it was usually me who prodded him into doing something different, although vibrating condom was his idea (just a little advice: those things vibrate for aaaaaaaaaaaaages, and it is quite disturbing lying on a bed cuddling with someone, while the sound of a vibrating condom hums in the background). I think I would have been really intimidated by his experience, and seeing as he wanted sex, I had the feeling that if I hadn't had any experience at all, he wouldn't have enjoyed it, and if that's what I'm going to have to remember as my first time, I think it would have been enough to put me off sex forever.

So what made things with AG different? Well, for one, I knew that he cared about me, and that would have meant he would have been more forgiving of my completely failure to please him sexually. Not only that, but we weren't together primarily for sex, so even if it completely bombed, we'd still do other things together, and maybe give it another shot in the future, if it was something he still wanted to do with me. There wasn't as much pressure to be the super sex goddess (although, I was still nervous as hell that he wouldn't like it), and I knew that even if I was terrible, he would be patient with me and not just dump me for some other girl who can suck a watermelon through a straw.

I have to say, Charmeleon never did that. Pressure me, I mean. He knew that I had only been with one other guy, and even though he slept with other girls, he never made me feel like I wasn't good enough for him, and he was perfectly happy to help me be better in bed. Even though we're not sleeping together any more, we still talk occasionally, and I'd like to think that we are still friends, without benefits.

All of this has just given me more things to think about in regards to the weird things sex does to you, but I think his post has gotten long enough, so to be continued...!

Wednesday 7 January 2009

Ego Post

OK, I'm finally getting off my lazy ass and writing the post where I tally up who the most mentioned people are since my last anniversary post - so that's 08 July, 2007 to 07 July, 2008. Here goes!

I'm getting sleepy, and I've only done up to the 9th of October, but here are the top 10 so far!

1. Dante 32
2. Charmeleon 26
3. Stringbeans 19
3. Kalg 19
3. Graham 19
6. QC 18
7. Julian 13
8. Cousin Andrew 12
9.Jenny 11
9. Pandy 11
9. Pulkit 11

Will finish the rest tomorrow. =) Will be interesting to see how things change once MrMan5.5 gets introduced, although, my blogging kinda toned down once we got together. =/

Thursday 1 January 2009

2008 - a review

OK, one of my new year's resolution is going to be not to try and match Jenny anymore, despite how wonderful I think she would be with the person I'm trying to match her with. (Cue Jenny's /sigh face.) Considering there are only 2 more days until New Year's Eve, I should think of some new New Year's resolutions.

Well, I don't think I did that much Jenny/YC matching this year - although, there were other circumstances that stopped me, more than my consciously trying to stop, so I can't really take credit for that one.

I want to try more new things, so I will resolve to say "no" less.

To some degree, I did say "no" less, but after things started getting really busy, I found I was saying no to things not because I didn't want to do them, but because I didn't have time, which is pretty unfortunate. =(

I resolve to take better care of myself, and eat better, do more exercise, and stop calling pringles a good breakfast.

Dismally failed this one. T_T

I resolve to cook more meals, rather than taking the easy way out with microwavable meals.

I did a lot more cooking this year, though mostly Italian food involving pre-made stuff out of a jar, so it doesn't really count. I baked quite a bit of stuff, and learned how to make cheesecake and eclairs. =)

I resolve to stop insisting that I'm right all the time, even when I know I am.

I think this was the most successful out of all of my resolutions, and it has definitely come in handy. Dealing with people, I've found that it's much easier to simply accept to myself that I'm right, and if they're that determined to believe that what they think is right, then that's fine with me.

I resolve to be more direct with people, rather than skirting around the truth.

Dismally failed. Unfortunately, the change in my friendship group this year has meant that there are a lot of secrets that are going around, which I somehow let myself get caught up in all the time. T_T

I mentioned last year that I spilled beer at Beans' New Year's party, and that was a sign, well, it was a sign. Not only did I spill some beer at work, I had beer spilled on me at the cricket. T_T As well as other people randomly throughout the year, I wonder what this year's sign was, because there wasn't really anything big that happened.

-was told that I'm not as annoying as I think I am
-started making 1000 cranes
-won $5 from Kalg

-became a homewrecker
-met MrMan5.5
-tried to use a salsa jar as a pick-up line
-most comments ever on one of my blog posts
-went paintballing
-baked a non-dairy chocolate-chip sponge cake
-started the match making contest with QC

-Korsair tries to become a cradle robber and date Amanda
-agonising over MrMan5.5
-thought about talking to Alex more (though that ended up failing)
-started dating MrMan5.5
-Anjman is a Kenyan

-became treasurer of SEE
-QC won the matchmaking contest

-groped by a weirdo at Glen Waverly
-went to a Krav Maga session
-started boycotting fast food places that didn't ask me which drink I wanted

-started playing Guild Wars
-bought my PSP

-found decent non-dairy cheese.
-had my 21st a.k.a. 22nd and a third

-realised I'm not a real arts student
-pounder challenge
-found out about sticks on the ground and sticks in the hand

-started the unsuccessful #emo
-Super Chris got me into books about hackers
-went to Manifest

-started training for the pizza eating contest at Armageddon
-bought TF2

-started and failed NaNoWriMo

-passed all of my subjects
-never have to do 440 again!
-baked stuff for people instead of sending Christmas cards.