Monday 8 June 2009

Ghost of Boyfriend Past

I was driving home from se440 dessert today when I was reminded of YN. Back in high school, we promised each other that we'd take over the world together. He went on to do nanotechnology, and I ended up doing software engineering, a good combo for taking over the world, right? We could make little nanobots that target specific people and hold the world to ransom, or something like that. Anyway, ever since then, even though I still have the ambition to take over the world (it's my rightful place as the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, after all), I'm not really interested in doing it with anyone else, despite the fact that YN and I broke up years ago.

It made me wonder, how much hold does a promise you made to someone under different circumstances hold? There was this story in The Pig That Wants to be Eaten about a guy who shoots a candidate for the republic party. When asked why he did it, he says that 10 years ago, they were friends, and his friend once said, "If I ever become a republican, shoot me." So he did. One of the arguments in that book was that the person that made that comment was a different person to the person who was campaigning for the republican party. Just like how when you're a child, you want nothing more than to spend your days watching ABC Kids, but now that you're older, you're far more interested in going out to dinner with friends. The "you" as a child is different to the "you" that you are now, as you have differing (to some degree) personalities, and differing interests.

So the "me" that was dating YN is different to the "me" that I am now, but still, I feel honour bound to uphold the promise I made to him that I'd take over the world with him. We even divided up which parts of the world we'd get, although I think that "taking over the world" with him now would just mean I take over the world and give him the parts that we agreed he would get. I wonder if he would do the same for me if he took over the world?

I think I have a bad habit of dumping someone and never bringing it up again to find out how they're dealing with it. I don't know if that's good or bad. Towards the end, YN and I didn't talk that often, and we had mostly drifted apart (he ended up going to a different university to me), so after we broke up, we never really spoke again. In fact, the last IM I received from him was one of the acai berry spam messages, and the last IM I sent to him was one telling him that he had that acai berry spam virus. The part that I would have liked to resolve was the curiosity that was triggered when Steve (who went to the same primary school as me, and ended up in YN's class at uni) sent me a recorded message from YN saying, "I love Anna!" which he gave to me after we broke up, but I never asked if he was serious. I was kinda freaked out, to be honest. Although, I can't have been sure that it was YN, it sounded like his voice, but for all I know, it could have been some random guy who sounds similar, and for that reason, I never asked YN about it. Or maybe he was talking about another Anna - I mean, as much as I'd like to think I am, I'm not the only Anna in the world, much less than in Melbourne. Also, I would have felt terrible had it really been him and he had really meant it.

Well, one thing I did learn from the YN experience was that I am less inclined to go out with a guy who spends most of his time offline again. So hard to contact someone who is never on some sort of IM program. T_T It's kinda weird though, because I assumed since he liked games like Starcraft, Warcraft III, and Age of Empires 2, I thought he would be geeky and addicted to the Internet like the rest of us, but I guess I was wrong. Although one benefit to his being more of an RL person is that I can be fairly confident that he's not going to read this blog post.

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