It seems that more and more people are starting to recognise me at work (players, not staff) and I'm starting to get scared that some day I'll be walking around and some person who I took $10k off will recognise me and want to beat me up. While I did go to that one krav maga class with GP, I really don't think that's my preferred course of action, as I don't like to get beat up, and I have very little confidence in my ability to win. T_T So I've decided to take up running, because I'm good at running away. Well, that's not true, which is why I've taken up running, but I'm good at being a coward. I went for my first run with Graham on Tuesday, and ended up with the flu on Wednesday, so maybe it's my body telling me that exercise is bad and that I should stop doing it, but I think getting bashed up is worse.
I have nothing to do during my breaks at work, so I've picked up lots of books to read, but unfortunately, my favourite authors can't write fast enough so I've run out of their books. T_T I started reading some other books from the genres I like, but most of the books I've tried so far have been pretty poor. :( Olek and Goaty have mentioned the Ender saga, so I'm going to try and find those books, but last time I was at the library, I could only find the 4th book in the series. I've started reading another Orson Scott Card book though, and I'm liking it. For some reason, the name sounds really familiar, but looking through his listed works on Wikipedia, I don't recall having read any of his other books, so maybe he's just one of those famous authors that you know you should read at some point, but never get around to.
Mum wanted me to buy an apartment, as it'd be something I could rent out later in life, and I could also live there in the meantime, as rather than paying rent, I can slowly pay off the apartment. We got into an argument because I wanted to use my savings to go to Italy and she wanted me to buy a property. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), even with my savings and help from mum, the bank won't lend me enough money to buy one, which my mum got really upset at me for. The woman at the bank was really nice though, and she suggested I put my money in a term deposit rather than just let it sit in a bank account, and I thought it'd be a compromise for mum, even though it makes me a sad panda now that I won't be able to go to Italy until at least after April.
Which also means I've lost all motivation to go to work, but seeing as it's my only source of income, and my midnight pizza cravings will never go away, have to keep taking money from old ladies. I guess I could just keep saving and saving until the term deposit matures and go on some mega trip, but I can't do that! So I started thinking about what it is I really like, and to be honest, the obvious things like games, programming and pizza passed me by, and the thing that I ended up with was movies. I love movies, and TV shows, too (although there are many, many, many movies and TV shows that should never have seen the light of day). Sure, I could go on a spending spree and end up with a massive DVD collection, but then mum would yell at me some more (I wanted to get dad a DVD for Christmas, but she got angry at me because she didn't want a DVD, which somehow means he doesn't want one...? I don't understand mum-logic). Anyway, and this is probably influenced by Graham and Dante getting me to watch The Guild, I've been putting some thought into making some sort of online series, or maybe a movie.
I have to admit though, I have no concept, no experience, no actors and well, the list goes on. Still, I think it'd be a fun new project, and it'd be something to do over the Summer holidays at least. I really need to get out of the house more, and while the job hunt still continues, I don't want to spend all of my time playing WoW/HoN, going to work and sleeping. I need a hobby, something that I can put a lot of effort into and get a feeling of satisfaction at having accomplished something. I was wondering if anyone else was interested in joining me. Would be nice if you knew something about production, but it's probably something that we'll pick up as we go! Or any ideas/feedback would be helpful. How hard do you think this will be? :S

I have nothing to do during my breaks at work, so I've picked up lots of books to read, but unfortunately, my favourite authors can't write fast enough so I've run out of their books. T_T I started reading some other books from the genres I like, but most of the books I've tried so far have been pretty poor. :( Olek and Goaty have mentioned the Ender saga, so I'm going to try and find those books, but last time I was at the library, I could only find the 4th book in the series. I've started reading another Orson Scott Card book though, and I'm liking it. For some reason, the name sounds really familiar, but looking through his listed works on Wikipedia, I don't recall having read any of his other books, so maybe he's just one of those famous authors that you know you should read at some point, but never get around to.
Mum wanted me to buy an apartment, as it'd be something I could rent out later in life, and I could also live there in the meantime, as rather than paying rent, I can slowly pay off the apartment. We got into an argument because I wanted to use my savings to go to Italy and she wanted me to buy a property. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), even with my savings and help from mum, the bank won't lend me enough money to buy one, which my mum got really upset at me for. The woman at the bank was really nice though, and she suggested I put my money in a term deposit rather than just let it sit in a bank account, and I thought it'd be a compromise for mum, even though it makes me a sad panda now that I won't be able to go to Italy until at least after April.
Which also means I've lost all motivation to go to work, but seeing as it's my only source of income, and my midnight pizza cravings will never go away, have to keep taking money from old ladies. I guess I could just keep saving and saving until the term deposit matures and go on some mega trip, but I can't do that! So I started thinking about what it is I really like, and to be honest, the obvious things like games, programming and pizza passed me by, and the thing that I ended up with was movies. I love movies, and TV shows, too (although there are many, many, many movies and TV shows that should never have seen the light of day). Sure, I could go on a spending spree and end up with a massive DVD collection, but then mum would yell at me some more (I wanted to get dad a DVD for Christmas, but she got angry at me because she didn't want a DVD, which somehow means he doesn't want one...? I don't understand mum-logic). Anyway, and this is probably influenced by Graham and Dante getting me to watch The Guild, I've been putting some thought into making some sort of online series, or maybe a movie.
I have to admit though, I have no concept, no experience, no actors and well, the list goes on. Still, I think it'd be a fun new project, and it'd be something to do over the Summer holidays at least. I really need to get out of the house more, and while the job hunt still continues, I don't want to spend all of my time playing WoW/HoN, going to work and sleeping. I need a hobby, something that I can put a lot of effort into and get a feeling of satisfaction at having accomplished something. I was wondering if anyone else was interested in joining me. Would be nice if you knew something about production, but it's probably something that we'll pick up as we go! Or any ideas/feedback would be helpful. How hard do you think this will be? :S
1 comment:
Bro, I will TOTALLY help you make a srsly awesome online series. I also need something to do during the holidays.
Experience? Erm, not allllllll that much except for making and starring in two of the 440 vids last year :P
We should totally get people together and find some cool ideas which we all like about which to make an online series.
Talk more on gtalk/RL/IRC/whatevs :)
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