Wednesday 30 June 2010

Makin' It Up

Until recently, my wardrobe consisted of jeans and T-shirts, with a few jumpers for Winter (and underwear, of course). I've never considered fashion important, but considering the fact that two of the things I enjoy most, playing games and watching movies, are typically done in the comfort of my own (or MrMan5.5's) home, comfort reigns over style. I know though, that clothes maketh the man, and so lately, I've been trying to play catch-up for all the years of wearing whatever my mum thinks looks nice as I want to look like a mature, responsible person in the workplace. Luckily, I've been getting help from Julian's wife Lucy, and so I now have the beginnings of a corporate wardrobe sitting in my room.

Sometimes I just feel like it isn't me. QC says she doesn't trust someone who is heavily made-up (as they can't be honest if they're wearing that much make-up to hide something), and to a degree, I feel the same way. With the exception of Charlotte, Lena and Vidya, I assumed that any girl who looked like she spent more than 10 minutes in front of a mirror in the morning but also considered herself a gamer couldn't possibly be any more skilled than the faux gamer girls who always make such a big deal about their gender in order to get attention (played with one in HoN the other day who kept whining that the other team kept killing her because she was a girl.... Er, no, they kept killing you because you had half the HP of any other person on our team. Ended up muting her). It's like you can level up one skill, at the expense of another.

Still, I can complain about the double standard of women being expected to wear make-up all I want, but it's not really going to change the fact that it's there, so I'm going to have to live with it. Compared to all of the other girls at the graduate program assessment centres, I looked like some hobo the graduate hiring team grabbed off the street, put in a suit, and told to play nice with the others. Although, one of the recruitment staff at Ericsson really liked my shoes (that Lucy picked out), and I think that was one of the biggest advantages I had at the group assessment. I guess a part of me is hoping that with all of this shopping and make-up stuff, the girly-girl inside me will suddenly wake up and realise it's her time to shine.

I feel like I have Lucy on one shoulder telling me, "Yes, Anna, you could be pretty if only you tried!" and QC on the other shoulder telling me, "Anna, you're a noob at fashion. Do you really want to be that feeder that everyone votes to kick 5 minutes into the game? Buy some DVDs instead."

On the plus side, hanging out with Lucy has been really fun. It's a bit refreshing to spend time with someone who isn't a geek, and she took me to see a ballet the other day which was new and interesting. Although now I'm probably going to force my kids to do ballet so that I'll get free tickets sometime in the future. She told me that a friend of hers got rejected by the Australian Ballet Company for having big boobs (where big means larger than A cup), so I'm not too sure how that'll work out if boob size is genetic which I believe it is, at least partially. =/

(Hmmm, now I am starting to wonder if I am one of those girl gamers who games just for the sake of attention from guys. Just running over a list of my friends, most of them are male friends from gaming. Those that are not are either uni friends who are into gaming, or primary/high school friends. Oh, and work people - most of whom are gamers, too. >_< I'm friends with 6 Andrews + an Andy and they are all gamers. Urgh, need sleep and possibly do not want to think of myself as a pseudo gamer girl any longer.)


Unknown said...

I wear (minimal) makeup for job interviews, but rarely wear makeup to work. They've hired me... are they going to fire me for not wearing makeup? (so far... no. Been working with the same couple of guys for 3 years now and when I do wear makeup (had a wedding to go to immediately after work one time so I got ready in the bathroom at work) they comment that I don't look like myself.

I sometimes wear makeup to an event if I am wearing a fancy dress... like to a wedding or to Suresh's graduation ball. To me it is part of the fancy outfit.

I wear a suit to work and I enjoy having "work clothes" that I wear to work. But for me, makeup is not part of that outfit. I don't think I ever want it to be.

I have, in the past, attempted girly-girlness but it has never "stuck". I revert back to jeans & t-shirt out of business hours, and I am pretty okay with that.

I'm lucky in that I work in a fairly technical position, and I am very good at what I do and the people around me know that I am very good at what I do. I am not office decoration. I have to admit that sometimes I use that as a bit of a shield... like the fact that I am not wearing makeup/presenting as super girly ensures that I am not mistaken as being a part of the decoration. I hate the idea that someone would walk into our office and mistake me for the receptionist (and now I am doing that thing where I look down on receptionists, I am not a receptionist and what's more I couldn't *be* a receptionist. I have not the skills :/ ). I hate HATE HATE it when people call the office and I answer and I can tell that the person on the other end needs to be talking to me because I am the one that can answer their questions because I'm the one that bloody well *built* their website... but because I'm female they assume that I'm some kind of gatekeeper that they have to get past to talk to someone who knows what they are talking about. ARGH. Over the phone you can't tell - but in person I like to think that my dressing like one of the guys makes it more clear that I am actually someone important.

So I guess it kind of sucks for girls who are important and good at the important things they do in their jobs and also like wearing makeup and looking pretty and have people assume that that means they must just be office decoration. Sigh. Sometimes I hate the world.

Jedi_Amara said...

You disabled comments on your Live Spaces blog o_o

anyway, I did ballet for a bit when I was little :P and you already know how I feel about people wearing makeup! I think generally people look prettier without it anyway. (Unless they're Zac Efron.)

Fodder said...

Argh, just typed out a really long reply and it got eaten by a 404. T_T

Short version:

@ephant I didn't even consider the decoration angle, although I feel like if I don't, then it's like everyone else is able to wear make-up and do their job, so why can't I? Now that I think about it though, I don't want people to think that I'm just eye-candy. Like you said, I want to look as though I'm a part of the tech team, not just someone there to look pleasing to clients.

@Jedi_Amara I don't think I've turned comments off, but you may not be able to comment on WLS without signing in as it doesn't let you comment anonymously - which is why I made this blog.

Jedi_Amara said...

I signed in but it wouldn't let me comment there :( it said comments weren't enabled for the entry!