Wednesday 12 January 2011

Adventures in Japan, Part 2

One of the first things that happened to us when we got off at Akihabara was getting accosted by maids. They're on every corner, and while most of them seem to be from the same franchise, it seems there are quite a few different maid cafes around Akihabara. So today we decided we were going to try one out for lunch (when in Rome...) and ended up picking the PoPoPuRe Maid Cafe, which was lucky, because they had an English speaking maid there. The food was decent (the corn soup was terrible, don't order it if you go there), and the maids were very friendly, but it wasn't really what I expected. It was kind of fun "casting" the tasty magic spell on our food with the maid (although MrMan5.5 said it wrong, and I blame him for my food not tasting as well as it could have). They also have a dubbing studio for you to dub your own short anime for 1500 yen, but we opted not to try it after seeing another group fail terribly at it. You could also get a photo with a maid for 500 yen.

The coolest part of the maid cafe was if you order a rice omelette, they draw a picture for you.

Maid Cafe Omelette

The melon float (spider) that MrMan5.5 ordered was also really cute.

Maid Cafe Melon Float

The menu was in both English and Japanese, but the English names weren't all the descriptive of what the food was. Mine said it was a tomato sauce pasta, so I was expecting Napoli sauce or something like that, but it ended up being a Bolognese. Although to be fair, I think the katakana said something along the lines of "meat sauce", but just beware if you're a vegetarian and can't read any Japanese.

Japan is such a cute country. The people are cute, the food is cute, even the sewerage system is cute.

Rar! I'm going to eat you!
(Rar! I'm going to eat you... Om nom nom)

One important thing I learnt about Japan was that even though there are pedestrian crossings everywhere, they're not like the ones in Australia where cars have to give way to pedestrians. They're more like recommendations for where you should cross. Some have traffic lights, but people seem to ignore them sometimes, so it's important to look out before you cross.

Omiyage today: GP, Olek, Anjelica
Gashapon played so far: 6
Meals served by maids: 1
Number of people who celebrated their birthday at the Pokèmon Center today: 2 (and we got free stickers!)

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