Monday 30 July 2012

Negative Reinforcement

I can't remember how long ago it was that GP told me to read the 4 Hour Body book, but I finally started reading it today, and it sounds pretty interesting. One of them was to do just 30 minutes of exercise 4 times a week. Seeing as unfortunate scheduling leaves my skating classes on both Saturday and Sunday (as opposed to both on the same day as previous terms), I'll get at least 30 minutes on both days, which means I only need to do 30 minutes twice during the week.

I think I could stick to some sort of weight loss program if I really tried - I mean, I'm the kind of person who can grind stupid achievements that nobody really cares about. The biggest problem for me is motivation. If I died tomorrow, the fact that I didn't manage to lose weight would probably be really low on my list of regrets. So it tends to drop pretty far down on my list of priorities. This is one of the things the book tries to work on. The author says that "The decent method you follow is better than the perfect method you quit."

MrMan5.5 has been trying to get me to stop eating KFC for so long. I think it was last August or September that I last had it, and the main motivator for me is the fact that the last time we went ice skating, Sharon commented on how the fat figure skater looked so out of place on the ice compared to all the other really thin girls. I definitely feel that way in my classes. Technique-wise, I was probably the best in my class last term, but I still felt like I was the worst because I felt like a lumpy. So that's what I'm reminded of every time I feel a craving. Plus, Grad Daniel and his gym-frequenting-marathon-running lifestyle makes me feel bad whenever I bring eat fast food in the office. Although, Grad Daniel is gone now, so he is no longer a motivating factor. In fact, Intern Daniel is a bad influence, as we are always talking about eating challenges and I am pretty sure he is going to talk me into another Pounder Challenge soon.

Anyway, this suggestion from the book is basically to use some negative reinforcement. If I don't manage to do four 30-minute exercises each week, then I will face a punishment. I haven't entirely settled on the punishment yet, but I've decided that for each week that I miss, I'm going to put $20 into a penalty fund (as I am rather attached to my money). If I miss multiple weeks in a row, then the amount doubles (so if I miss 3 weeks in a row, I'll have to put $140 into the penalty fund - $20 for week 1, $40 for week 2 and $80 for week 3). I think I shall trial this for a year - so until the 21st of July, 2013

I haven't decided what I'll do with the penalty fund yet. At first I thought maybe I'd use the money to take someone out for dinner (selected randomly somehow). But then I thought that might end up being a positive thing, as I'd be willing to give up exercise for a week and just take someone out to dinner.

My next thought was to donate it to the Salvation Army. I picked them because I am opposed to their views on homosexuality. That's a pretty good motivation to exercise! But just the thought of having to donate to them makes me sick, and the fact that I started this two weeks ago and I've already missed a week means I will have to donate. I guess I'll just put it aside for now, and work out what to do with it later.

Current penalty fund: $20.

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