Saturday 31 July 2010

Support Worker

MrMan5.5 fell sick yesterday, and it made me realise how much I really enjoy taking care of him (not that I want him to be sick, but I enjoy doing things to make him feel more comfortable). I guess it's one of the reasons why I play support heroes/classes in games so much better than carry heroes/damage dealers - I enjoy helping people out and although it sounds lame, making them be the best that they can be. I love cooking for MrMan5.5, and for some reason, I don't mind cleaning so much when I'm doing it at his house compared to when I'm doing it at home (except when I'm in a really lazy mood).

I think that if for some reason, a legislation passed saying women were no longer able to work, and had to stay at home and look after the kids (which would be made compulsory), I wouldn't mind so much (hooray for setting feminism back a few decades!). Of course, that's something that's probably easy for me to say now, and if it did happen, I'd probably be one of the first to whine about how unfair it is, etc.

On the way to work one day, I heard a discussion on the radio about housewives. One person called in saying that the expectation for women to be housewives is stupid, and that women should be allowed to go into the workforce. The radio presenter asked what she thought about women who wanted to be housewives, and she said they didn't exist. Women who thought they wanted to be housewives were really fooling themselves and/or pressured into it by society. She believed that if given a real chance to have a different lifestyle, no women would actually choose to be a housewife.

Sure, they might be pressured into it by society, but if they genuinely do want to do it, then why is it considered wrong? Imagine you were raised all of your life to have mash potatoes and roast beef for dinner every night, and when you move out of home and see what else is out there, you realise you actually do love mash and roast, and it's something you would choose of your own free will. Just because you were forced to believe that's what dinner was, doesn't mean that you should stop doing it because other options are out there. Isn't equality about giving people an equal opportunity to do what they want to do, regardless of things like gender, race, age, etc.?

Although perhaps this is just another phase for me. I do not currently have children, I haven't given up my chosen career path, and so I do not know the feeling of regret that some women might have. Sure, I've had to make decisions about where I want my life to go, and I always wonder "what if...?", but I don't think I have reached the stage where I look back on my life and wish that I had done law instead of engineering, or anything big like that.

For now, I think I'm just going to stick to cooking for MrMan5.5 - no life changing decisions need to be made there.

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