Monday 11 April 2011


It took me a while to join the ranks of the smartphone masses, but the first thing I noticed was that everyone assumed I had an iPhone. Which is a fair assumption back then, as smartphones were still slowly becoming more popular, and chances were, if someone had a smartphone, it was going to be an iPhone of some variation.

It's really starting to bug me now, not because I hate Apple products, but when I think of someone who owns an iPhone, I generally think of the people who line up outside the Apple store the midnight of release night, and are so excited coming home with their giant $1,000 boxes. Then they're perfectly happy to do the exact same thing the moment the next iWhatever X.X is released, even if the model they have now still suits their needs.

Maybe it's partially because I'm jealous that I can't afford to replace my stuff so often (it took me so long to decide on a new phone, and I even put off buying a monitor for so long that Alex ended up buying me one for my birthday). I don't know... it just seems so wasteful to me. I know so many people who got new contracts just so they could get an iPhone 4, and so they ended up giving their old phones to their younger siblings, some who were only 10 years old! I didn't even get a phone until my first year of uni. T_T

Although I guess that's part of being a gadget geek, right? You usually want the latest and the greatest. I can't really look down on people for lining up at midnight for the iPad seeing as I lined up at midnight for The Burning Crusade... but they'd probably look down on me for that. So to each their own.

I was stressing for the past week over a meeting I had with someone at work today. We had met up a few weeks ago, to discuss my problem at work - that being the fact that I was doing none, and he suggested a few things I could do to help the situation. Then I went home and played HoN, and promptly forgot all about it. Fast forward to last week where I saw a meeting invite from him saying he wanted to catch up and see how I was going, and then it occurred to me that I hadn't done anything in that time... except make a lot of origami turtles.

So I was pretty worried that he was going to be super angry at me for not doing anything, and I tried to organise a list of things to talk about, but then I started playing HoN and forgot all about it... until Sunday night. The meeting disappeared from my calendar, so I thought he cancelled it on Friday when I wasn't in the office, but I wasn't so lucky.

[Speaking of not being in the office, I was at an emotional intelligence seminar, and it was like all of my psych course thrown back in my face, but hey, I got out of the office!]

It turns out that he also did software engineering at Melb, so we spent time talking about Les and ISD and just random stuff - it was really fun. He's really nice, and he has helped me out a lot, answering most of my questions, and organising events for us to meet various people in the company. A part of me is being a bit cynical, and thinking that the only reason he's trying so hard to get me into dev is because he needs more devs, but the other part of me says why does it even matter if that's something I'm happy to do?

It feels a bit silly, I'm usually perfectly happy to buy wards and a courier in HoN, but as soon as someone asks for them, I feel like I have to avoid buying them just to spite them. I don't know if I'd say no to a dev position just to spite someone, especially considering that someone has been so kind to me, but I can't deny that fact that the thought is lurking there in the back of my head. I'm so vindictive sometimes. =(

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