Wednesday 25 May 2011

In Latex and Bows

So the HoN servers are under a DDoS attack, and as funny as it is reading the forum posts about it (so many kiddies yelling that S2 should have safeguarded against the attack, or that they should find the person who is doing it and kill them), I'm struggling to remember what it is that I do when I'm not at work, asleep or cooking.

A few days ago, Julian and I were discussing whether geek/gamer girls are more promiscuous than non-geek/gamer girls. I would have done another poll, but I think the sample size would have been far too small to actually find anything worthy of reporting.

I think the cause for the discussion was this blog that he suggested I read: GeekySexBlog. She has linked quite a few porn videos recently, and I realised I haven't actually watched any in.... a very long time - I can't even remember what I last did. Probably because I have been catching up on TV shows. But I think the important part is, it hadn't even occurred to me. I do remember thinking at one point, since I started working, that I have been a lot less interested in sex. I attributed it to either working so much, or just being ooooooooooooooooooooold now, and then didn't really think about it anymore.

Even when Marie linked porn in her blog, I wasn't all that interested in watching, I was more interested in reading what she wrote, but when she linked one with Sasha Grey, I figured I should watch it to see what all the fuss is about. Not to get into the TMI zone, but even though the video itself wasn't all that great, it was like all of a sudden I wanted sex so badly, something I hadn't felt in so long.

So in a really roundabout way, this made me think of Julian's theory about geek/gamer girls being more promiscuous. I wonder whether it is that they just feel more free to talk about sex because people around them tend to speak freely about sex themselves(either because they are playing games with people who don't realise they're female, or because the Internet just allows people to speak their mind better). But also, I wonder if maybe part of it is because it is somewhat the norm to discuss sex - even if it's in a derogative way, e.g. "Suck my balls" (does anyone even say that anymore?).

I guess it depends on how you would define yourself as promiscuous. I wouldn't consider myself promiscuous, as I have only had four sexual partners, and on the most part, it has been only one at a time (not in the threesome sense, but in the "exclusive" sense). But then again, the fact that I had a friend-with-benefits might cause some people to label me as promiscuous.

On an unrelated note, going to these dev meetups with Tong has finally paid off. I have a few things I'd like to work on, but don't know when I will have the time. I half want the HoN servers to stay down a bit longer, but then my APM will go doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooown. T_T

On another unrelated note, I told Teekay that there is this awesome guy at work, but I am unsure about him because his APM is too low, and Teekay said it's about quality, not quantity. What do you think....?

[EDIT]: What I meant to add was that maybe part of wanting to have sex is simply thinking about it or being exposed to it, so geek/gamer girls tend to be more promiscuous because people around them talk about it more.

1 comment:

@Babu_Michael said...

Personally, from experience..geeks kinda have a fancy way of staying below the radar, yet pull some major strings between the shits...
Great Piece