Tuesday 6 September 2011

Couch Potato Returns

Our Wii died, and with it, all of the WiiFit save data. We bought a new one, but I couldn't even find the motivation to make it through the first exercise today. When previously, I could force myself to do WiiFit even if I was feeling exhausted, which says to me that it was probably all about the high scores anyway.

Not sure what I will do instead. Read the start of the book GP gave me, but the idea of having to do something like that to lose weight puts me off completely.

1 comment:

Antistar20 said...

Oh that must be horrible for you. I remember when I once lost my playstation2 memory card with all my saves from games.. I bought a new one but didn't even bother to play for about a year... But I'm sure you can keep doing exercises and you can get new high scores :)