Saturday 6 May 2017

South Melbourne Market - 150th Birthday Big BBQ Street Party

After going to the BBQ class, I got really excited when I saw this on Timeout.

Unfortunately, the weather wasn't great today, though it did mean that it wasn't crowded. We got there at around 5pm, and there was supposed to be a "BBQ-off", but nobody really knew what that was, and it looked like there were just two frying pans on a couple of stoves, so we decided to get something to eat instead.

A lot of the food smelled really good, and there was some really nice music in the background.

I opted for the pork belly and salad.

MrFodder, Pharmacist and redbeanpork went for the Sampler.

(Pulled pork, ribs, beef brisket with apple slaw)

While the sampler advertised itself as food you don't need teeth to eat, but that wasn't really the case for anything except the pulled pork. I imagined ribs that fell off the bone, but they were a bit chewy.

The pork belly was nice, but again not that soft fall-apart-as-you-bite-into-it tenderness that I was dreaming about.

They had a bunch of carnival-type things, including a try to hit the bell at the top thing. MrFodder, Pharmacist and I all failed, and redbeanpork got it on his first try. Clearly my training isn't doing enough - I need more upper body strength!

There was a birthday chocolate mudcake, but we gave it a miss.

I think the event was more aimed towards families, but it was nice to take a look. Congratulations to the South Melbourne Market for making it to 150 years, as there are some nice stores there, and nearby, including Chef's Hat, where I've been given a couple of gift cards for, and have always made quick use of them.

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