Sunday 6 July 2008

(D) Chaser

George Downes: Michael's chasing Kimmy?
Julianne Potter: Yes!
George Downes: You're chasing Michael?
Julianne Potter: YES!
George Downes: Who's chasing you... nobody, get it? There's your answer.
-My Best Friend's Wedding

The whole homewrecker thing came up again today, and I was reminded of how QCN told me she was never really sure how I felt about the guy in question. Since it was so long ago, I think a little back story is needed. I met a guy, there was some drunken (on his part) flirting, I asked him to come and see Hitman at the Moonlight Cinema. He said he'd come, but at the last minute, told QCN to tell me that he couldn't make it for an unknown reason - that reason turned out to be that his girlfriend didn't want him to go. I asked him out to dinner, just as friends, but got stood up as again, his girlfriend intervened.

For the movie thing, I didn't know he had a girlfriend, and so I guess I was asking him out. I wasn't really sure how I felt about him - half of me was thinking of him as another pokémon to add to my collection (gotta catch 'em all), but the other half was thinking maybe he might be a good guy to be with.

So when I asked him out to dinner, I knew he had a girlfriend. I wanted to be friends, but a small part of me also wondered if maybe he'd dump her for me. Though, since he stood me up for her, the answer was pretty obvious. I didn't give up on him because I'm some noble person and saw that he had a girlfriend and was off-limits. Part of the reason was because I was rejected.

I'm a terrible person.

I know.

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