Wednesday 1 September 2010

Past My Bedtime

While everybody else is getting out of bed
I'm usually getting in it
I'm not in it to win it
And there's a thousand ways you can skin it

-If It's Love, Train

As I say to pretty much everyone who asks about working at a casino, the job itself is fun, but the hours suck. If I want to spent time with people during "normal" hours, unless I have a buffer day, I usually end up feeling sleepy and struggle to pay attention to what people are saying. Worse is when I still have to go to work that night. (I had work both the day before and the day of Doris' engagement party, and even with 2 Red Bulls, I was struggling to calculate 17 x 3 + 35 x 3 - something I normally know off the top of my head (156, in case you were wondering, and there is the something new you've learned for the day).)

Although when I don't have anything planned, I find it easier just to keep my work sleeping pattern rather than try to adjust it to normal time, and the adjust back when I have work. Someone suggested I just wake up during the day, then go to work, and then sleep after work, but I find that I usually start to feel really tired around 1AM when I do that. So instead I wake up at 6PM, go to work, then play games or read until 6AM when I go to sleep. Isn't that what people who work 9-5 do: sleep before work, and then after work do some stuff then go to bed, to be fresh for another day of gold farming?

I'm starting to feel a bit nostalgic for the days of LNS (Late Night Settlers (of Catan)). It was nice having the regular 2nd floor crew who would be up at crazy times of the night to play Settlers with. I guess now I have LNSC - Late Night Starcraft. It doesn't feel the same though, as there isn't really a group of us who are on at a regular time, and when I am most active, it is usually only Julian and Adrian who are also on. Then again, they are also the only two diamond (the highest rank) players on my friends list, so maybe staying up so late indicates something...

I'm just starting to wonder what will happen once I start full-time work. Oh, I guess I should mention now, I ended up getting 2 grad position offers, and will be starting work next year. I didn't tell many people at the time as I thought a friend of mine would be upset at the news, but I am told he is happy for me, so I guess it's OK now. So my biggest worry now is adjusting to a different sleeping pattern. Casino workers end up befriending each other because we all keep the same hours. Will I lose my current LNS2 crew?

Speaking of casino friends, HunterKiller was apparently calling my name to get my attention one night, and it he said that I didn't turn around until he called out "Monkeyfodder". Then he called me an SC2 addict, but he's the guy who once greeted me by punching me twice in the back saying, "Backstab, kidney shot." I think he is the addict.-_-
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