Friday 25 November 2011


Just in regards to my last post, I didn't mean to give the impression that MrMan5.5 never does the laundry. In fact, he is the one who does all the laundry, because I don't know how to use the washing machine, and I'm afraid of all the clothes coming out raggedy or with blurred colours if I tried to wash them. So that's also why I couldn't just wash the clothes myself when I thought the laundry needed doing.


I don't know if I'm alone in thinking this, but when I first realised that guys watch porn on their computers, I always think that their keyboards must be covered in... penis. I can't remember which comic it was, but one character was shaking hands with another character. The second character then revealed that she had just given someone a hand job. Since she was using the same hand to shake the first character's hand, she explained that via transference, it was like the first character was touching that someone's penis.

So I figure, most guys will do some typing while masturbating to porn, or at least touch their keyboard. And if you add to that the number of people who don't wash their hands after they go to the toilet - which for guys doing a number one, means touching their penis - there is a lot of transference penis on a keyboard! I was also a bit worried about accidentally "spillage" on the keyboard, but I was told it is really unlikely. 

This might be bordering on obsessive compulsive behaviour, but it has gone past keyboards into the bedroom. I'm not really a touchy person, but sometimes I think that if I touched MrMan5.5's penis, then didn't wash my hands, and then met up with someone who is a hugger, I just put MrMan5.5's penis on their back! (I bet nobody will hug me when they see me from now on - so actually, this is a bit of a win for me.) I've started getting a bit compulsive about washing my hands after sex, or if I fall asleep afterwards, washing my hands in the morning. 

I wonder if anyone else thinks about things like this. I asked Julian if he would use Vinnie's keyboard, and he thought that was a weird question, and couldn't think of a reason why he wouldn't. It isn't really a big deal anyway, I can't even remember the last time I used someone else's keyboard. 


On a side note, yay or nay to images in blog posts? I think they're good for breaking up walls of text, so it makes the post easier to read. The downside is, sometimes I can't be assed finding a picture to go with the post, or can't think of a good one, or can't find a good one that's free to use. 

I prefer the use of block quotes, because I don't have to worry about copyright or whatever, but there isn't always something that fits with the post itself. 

I always seem to have images centered with text above and below. It irritates me when people put text around an image, or to the left or right, probably because it makes me think it's an ad embedded in the text and they're trying to trick me into looking at it.

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