Friday 25 September 2015

Truman Chips: Ally

Interesting news today!

You're probably all sick of reading about this, but the mystery deepens. So today, I was meant to go with DComics, but he got held up in the office, so I went with Alison instead. So the popular opinion so far is that the cashier is flirting with me through large bags of chips, and the second most popular opinion is that they're trying to fatten me up because I'm too skinny.

Well, Ally is pretty much a prettier, skinnier version of me. She is my role model at the moment, it's like she somehow manages to be tough, but well liked.

I wanted to take her, as she's also Asian, so she covers the same demographics as I do, except she's a vegetarian, but you can't tell that by looking at her, and you really can't tell from a burger order, especially as she was buying a burger on behalf of DComics. So it was like the planets aligned, and I finally got the ultimate test case for my experiment.

Funnily enough, a couple of my co-workers had also gone to the same place earlier in the day, and neither of them got the double bag. So there are two more data points for my study.

A: Older (50s?), white, male - no Truman chips
R: 30s?, Asian, male (though not "yellow" Asian, but Filopino - gosh, I'm going to sound so racist at the end of this "study") - no Truman chips

Ally and I walked down to the restaurant, and I explained to her about the Truman chips. She couldn't believe it, but she was kinda hungry and felt in the mood for chips, so she was hoping that I'd get Truman chips. To be honest, I was starting to doubt myself again, and this time there was the added pressure of the expectation that I'd get it! I'm probably going to stop telling people about Truman chips, especially now that a few of the other people on my team seem to expect it now as well.

Today, because I was on the monitoring shift, we ended up getting there at about 2:15pm, which is the latest that I've ever been. I would have liked to have gone during the lunch rush, but it's so rare to get Ally away that I had to take advantage of it. We order, and Ally goes first this time, as last time, I ordered before Intern Daniel.

Her burger arrived, single bag. Mine arrived, two bags! Truman strikes again.

So we've ruled out:

  • female
  • skinny
  • being hit on by the cashier
I can't say for sure that we've ruled out the idea that I'm insane, and Truman chips isn't a thing, but I am now 5 for 5.

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