Saturday 7 January 2017

One a Penny, Two a Penny

It's barely past the time to take down the Christmas tree, and there are already hot cross buns out.

I'm actually super happy, because the hot cross buns at Coles happen to be vegan. I didn't realise that hot cross buns were traditionally made without dairy because it's forbidden during lent. Ha, I always thought I was just lucky to find non-dairy ones! So now I'm inspired to make a hot cross bun flavoured ice-cream.

In good news, I have a new ice-cream machine now! I guess it has been that long since I last wrote that the saga of my ice-cream machine never got documented here.

I ordered an ice-cream machine. It was great... for the first two weeks. Then it broke for some reason, and took a long time to get a replacement sorted. To be fair, it was during the Christmas period, so I imagine they were quite busy, and getting gifts out in time for Christmas is probably more important than fixing an ice-cream machine. In the end, they didn't have any stock left to send me a replacement, so I asked for a refund and then found the same ice-cream machine $50 cheaper somewhere else.

Merry Christmas and Happy Easter to me! Hopefully this one lasts longer than two weeks. :(

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