Friday 6 January 2017

The Twelfth Day of Christmas

It's the 6th of January, which means it's the 12th day of Christmas. I can never remember if you're meant to take down your Christmas decorations now, or the day after, but what's pictured above is pretty much the extent of our Christmas decorations.

I bought that tree back when we first moved out of home, because I thought we needed a Christmas tree, but we didn't have the space for a proper-sized one. I had originally planned to buy a single ornament every year, as a Christmas tradition, but then I noticed Myer selling a whole bag of baubles for $1, so I just bought that and haven't been bothered buying another ornament since. After moving yet again, my desire for more junk to clutter the house is at an all-time low.

Christmas was somewhat relaxed this year. It involved lunch at my cousin's house, followed by a relaxing evening at home with MrFodder, eating leftovers from the lunch.

At my dad's birthday lunch last year, my brother mentioned having an amazing dessert while he was in Malaysia, which he described as a custard croissant, which he later elaborated to "custard between two layers of croissant and you had to cut pieces of it out with a knife". I'd never heard of anything like that, but it sounded a bit like a vanilla slice to me, which is vanilla custard between two layers of puff pastry (which is another laminated dough, almost the same as croissant pastry, except with less sugar, and no yeast).

I did a few practice runs, as I hadn't had much success with custard before, and I also ended up making my own puff pastry. I wanted to surprise my brother at Christmas, so I didn't tell him that I was doing this.

Unfortunately, vanilla slice isn't what he was thinking of, and I guess he must have done some research, because he later linked me some recipes for Feuilleté au Custard. Which is pretty much what he described. That's definitely on my to-make list, something to try and master before his birthday this year.

As a bonus image for today, here is the picture he sent of the dessert he had:

(It's the thing on the top-right side of the plate)

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