Tuesday 18 April 2017

Dream Café

One of the questions I asked the people at work I interviewed was, "What would you do if you won $50 million?" I've had the question asked to me in return, and I usually say something about wanting to travel more. I've thought about it a bit more, and I think this is what I'd actually do.

Sign up for a short order cooking course, or just a cooking course in general, and then get some experience as a short order cook. Once I can reliably cook meals, move overseas and open a café that serves mediocre food and mediocre coffee for a slightly more than cheap price, but looks comfy and has free wifi. I don't even know which country in particular, though preferably a non-Asian country so I can pass myself off as someone who doesn't speak whatever the local language is very well. The food and coffee has to be mediocre because I don't want to attract a big clientele.

Over time, I'd probably get somewhat regular people, and ideally, people would come to my café and chat about things. I'd get to know them, and find out what problems they have by eavesdropping on their conversations (or if I were super unscrupulous, snoop on their info when they use my wifi). Maybe I'll do some detective work, and follow them around.

For the ones I deem worthy (i.e. they meet my arbitrary moral standards), I will try and secretly make their lives better. Maybe I'll anonymously pay an overdue credit card bill, or organise for their childhood hero to pay them a visit. Just something small to brighten their day, and restore their faith in humanity.

Ideally, nobody will link these things to my café, but just in case, I'd probably move around every couple of years, start over somewhere new and do it all over again. It'd probably give me a chance to learn all these different languages, too.

It feels so selfish, as there are much better ways to spend money to improve many people's lives in a big way, rather than very few lives in a small way, but I think this is what I'd find more enjoyable than anything else. I'd be able to combine my love of stalking detecting and food while making people smile without them knowing it was me.


Today is the end of week 2:

Weight: 58.4 / 59.1 / 58.9
Waist: 74.5 / 75.5 / 75.5
Hips: 88 / 89 / 90.5
Bust: 89.5 / 91 / 89.5
Left thigh: 52.5 / 51.5 / 53
Left calf: 35.5 / 35.5 / 37
Right thigh: 53.5 / 53.5 / 54
Right calf: 36.5 / 36 / 36.5
Left bicep: 31 / 29 / 29 
Right bicep: 30 / 29 / 30.5

Was sick for a few days, but no excuses. Gotta get back on the wagon!

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