Tuesday 14 November 2017

Ice-Cream Dreams

I've been in the ice-cream making game for over a year now, and to be honest, I'm getting a little sick of eating ice-cream from cones and waffles. Don't get me wrong, I love waffles and waffle cones, but I don't think they mesh well with all flavours - particularly the fruity ones. When I walked by this sign, I felt like a whole world opened up to me. Why not serve ice-cream in other things?

Though to be honest, I think eating a watermelon ice-cream sandwich sounds delicious, but incredibly messy. Oh my gosh, I just found out that the ice-cream in the middle is dairy-free! All the signs in the store seemed to talk about how their milk is organic milk from cows, not from a powder. But that means if they can do it, I can do it! I was planning to make a watermelon sorbet as my January ice-cream, but I have a new dream now.

Anyway, back to the topic of things you can eat ice-cream with.

I found a recipe where you make ice-cream bread. No, this isn't brioche con gelato, it's bread made with ice-cream. I'm a bit dubious about it - there are three ingredients: 2-cups of vanilla ice-cream, 1 1/2 cups of self-raising flour, 1/2 cup mini choc chips, and you mix them together and bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 45 minutes.

There are these cupcake ideas: Oreo hot fudge cupcakes made with a layer of crushed Oreos, topped with vanilla ice-cream, then more crushed Oreos on top and hot fudge drizzled over it.

Or a hot fudge sundae inspired cupcake, with a chocolate cupcake base, vanilla ice-cream on top, with whipped cream, a maraschino cherry and hot fudge.

Oooooh, or make a cupcake-sized bowl out of brownie dough that sinks in the middle for you to put a scoop of ice-cream inside.

How is it possible that there are so many delicious things out there to eat? Even though I didn't really write much today, I feel like it has been productive, as my mind has been opened to the possibilities. Apple-cinnamon doughnut and custard flavoured ice-cream on an apple strudel. Or maybe an apple crumble for less flakey pastry, and more crumbly goodness. I think this is my new raison d'être. Just like I couldn't die without seeing all the Star Wars movies, I can't die until I've made this a thing. Yeah, I know eating ice-cream on apple crumble isn't that unusual, but the lovely caramelly apply flavour, with the crunchiness of the crumble. And the warm apple pieces combined with the refreshing coolness of the ice-cream. Mmmm.....

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