Wednesday 22 October 2008

Food For Thought, Day 1

Super Chris reminded me that Armageddon is coming up soon, and one of the events there is a pizza eating competition. MrMan5.5 said he didn't think I could do it, so of course that means I have to do it now to prove him wrong. I should get around to emailing them to ask if they can get cheeseless pizzas. Anyway, today was day 1 of my training. I managed to beat Autofix and Cheka (although he sat there for a bit waiting for his pizza to cool, and I only just managed to beat him), with a time of nearly 17 minutes for one Domino's pizza. I think that's pretty poor, because MrMan5.5 managed about 12 minutes, and he said that is probably really slow compared to the other people in the competition.

MrMan5.5 said that the trick is to keep forcing yourself to eat even if you feel really full, so after a couple of hours, we went to KFC, and I tried to eat two snack boxes (one hot rod and one original recipe), but it took me about 25 minutes, and I didn't even finish the hot rod (I wanted to try it, and I don't think they're all that nice. It's like a zinger burger, without the burger, so it's really dry - it came with hot and spicy gravy dipping sauce, but I can't eat that).

The only problem is, now I feel really sick, even though it has been about 5 hours since I last ate. I feel like a water balloon, I just want to flop around and not really move. T_T I'm not sure that it's good for me to be doing this, but I've always been a slow eater. When SEE goes out to dinner, it's usually just me and Auto left eating. Not only that, but I rarely finish what it is that I buy, I usually rely on MrMan5.5 to do that. I've always wanted to eat faster, but after trying to demolish a pizza in under 20 minutes, I'm starting to see the good side to eating slowly - you get to enjoy what you're eating.


Anonymous said...

I found this post to be disturbing and inane.

Why on earth would you want to be good at eating fast at the expense of enjoyment and even health?

Fodder said...

Partly just to prove that I can, but I'm really wondering why myself at the moment.

Auto said...

Saying you beat me doesn't really mean much, seeing as I both eat slow and wasn't trying to eat fast. I don't know if this competition is a good or bad thing, but maybe the enjoyment just comes from competing in it.