Friday 4 August 2017

Almost Vegan Milo Ice-Cream

As an Australian, Milo is a way-of-life. It's one of the things I find hardest to resist when it comes to eating things containing dairy. I love milk (soy milk), I love malt, and I love chocolate, so Milo is three delicious things in one package. Then I saw a reddit post saying how the real way to drink Milo is to have a can of Milo with a tablespoon of milk. Why did I never think of this before?! However, I did an un-Australian thing and bought a small can of Milo.

While we were on the plane back from Fiji, our plane had TV screens drop from the ceiling. When we boarded the plane, one of the screens was down, while the rest were retracted. MrFodder and I made a bet on whether the one that was already down would retract later, and I bet that it would. The loser would make Milo ice-cream.

Here's my Milo ice-cream recipe.

800g soy milk
50g dextrose
137g raw sugar
130g Milo (contains milk solids, so it's the non-vegan part of this recipe)

Heat all the ingredients in a saucepan over medium-low heat, whisking to dissolve everything into the milk. Heat until it just comes to a boil, remove from the saucepan into a container and leave in the fridge for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight. Prepare according to your ice-cream maker's instructions.

It's pretty soft, but not as creamy as I'd like. I think I might try adding some pea protein next time. It also melts pretty quickly, so you have to be careful of that, otherwise it'll become icy when it re-freezes. So addictive though. We've almost gone through an entire litre of it already.

Pro tip: Putting a scoop of ice-cream in a glass of milk is a really stupid idea. You end up with milk everywhere (when it overflows from putting the scoop in), and also a sore stomach from eating it all.

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