Thursday 31 August 2017

redbeanpork is the Worst

That is all.


Well, I'll probably forget why I posted this in a few years, so I should probably explain.

I was working from home, trying to keep my virus contained, and I hear MrFodder laughing to himself behind me. He calls me over to look at his screen, and he's laughing at a picture of Connect One.

He insists that we play it, and we play rock-paper-scissors to decide who goes first. He plays paper and I play rock, so he gets to go first and congratulates himself on winning.

I go back to work.

Later, I get an invite from redbeanpork to play Tabletop Simulator. I tell him that I'm working, and he says it'll be a quick game. I click the Join Game button from the Steam chat window and it launches the game and a lobby password prompt pops up. He tells me the password and I try to join.


It fails to connect.

I'm curious as to what he wanted me to play, and check the friend lobby list.

It's Connect One.... -_-

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