Wednesday 16 August 2017

Silent Reading Party

You know what the most dangerous thing in America is, right? Nigga with a library card.
- Brother Mouzone, The Wire, Season 2, episode 10 

Yesterday a bunch of libraries around Melbourne had a "Silent Reading Party". The idea is that you go there and read silently for an hour along with other people who are doing the same thing. Sounds like my mind of kooky party! Unfortunately, we had tickets to see Tokyo Idol, so I couldn't take part, but I did drop by the library and I plan to take part over the weekend.

It's no secret that I love libraries, and I've lived within walking distance of one my entire life (though I'm no stranger to walking. In high school, I'd walk 20 minutes to see mia gemella, and we'd walk the remaining 30 minutes to school, with the nearest public library being another 10 minutes away). What I like about libraries is that they help bring education to anyone who cares to seek it. Granted, you probably need to know how to read first, but I have seen some librarians helping people learn to read in the past.

My parents never gave me "the talk", and unfortunately, that meant most of my sex education came from high school and Tom Clancy books - that man loves his sex scenes! There was also that part in David Baldacci's Absolute Power where the secret service tries to hide all traces that the President of the United States having slept with a woman, including cleaning her vagina of all traces. It made me really scared of sleeping with the president. Not that it was likely to ever happen.

I can't remember the name of the book, but there was another sex scene where a guy is having an affair with someone, and leaves her a pair of earrings as a gift.... inside her vagina. Not only is that gross and painful, but she later wears them out in public while he's with his wife. Perhaps that explains my aversion to getting my ears pierced. Or, you know, the thought of the pain.

But I digress, libraries are great! I hope this isn't what you think of when you go to a library in the future, because it'll probably be what I think of now. Thanks, Fodder...

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