Friday 25 August 2017

Pudge and Silencer at the Library

Fan-Fiction Friday! Featuring two of my favourite Dota 2 heroes: Silencer and Pudge. My goal in writing this is to channel my 15-year-old self.


Silencer's stomach began to grumble, and he quickly silenced it through sheer force of will. He looked up to see if his master had noticed, but his master didn't even stir from his sleep. Quietly sliding on his terry-towel slippers, Silencer slowly made his way towards the hall, gently opening the door and then sliding it shut without making a sound. It wouldn't do to wake his master up this early.

Once he made it to the outer confines of the Sanctuary, he changed into his boots and ran towards the butcher shop. He was really excited to see what Mr Goldstone had on offer today, as the chef said that since it was birthday, he could pick what they'd be eating for dinner.

He walked in the door, and covered his ears in pain.

Clink, clink, clink. Someone was dragging chains around, and the loud sound was far more than he was used to.

"Stop! Please stop!" he whispered in desparation, hoping someone would end the agony.

The clinking stopped.

"CHIN CHOPPER, CHIN CHOPPER," the fat green-haired man drawled.

"Pudge, shhhh!" Mr Goldstone ran out frantically from the back. He turned to Silencer. "I'm sorry, " he whispered quietly. "This is my nephew, Pudge. Me brother wants him to learn a trade, said he likes workin' with meat."

Silencer finally took in the strange, fat creature in front of him. His hair was a disgusting shade of green -the kind of colour you'd expect to see in a toxic waste dump, or cow poop. His face looked like a truck had run over it, and then reversed so it could run over it again. His teeth struggled to stay in his mouth. His eyes looked like they were candies on a gingerbread man that had fallen off and a child had clumsily glued them back on. Did he even have a nose? It was hard to tell. Then you get to his body. It was easy to see why he was called Pudge.


Silencer covered his ears in pain again, and saw Mr Goldstone saying something to Pudge, but couldn't make out the words. Once Pudge's mouth stopped moving, he hesitantly uncovered his ears.

"What would you like today, Mr Silencer?"

"The chef said I could have whatever I wanted for dinner tonight, because it's my birthday!"

"We just got some fresh lamb from the farm up near Top Tower. Reckon it'd go great with some rosemary. Pop it in the oven with some potatoes."

"Sounds delicious. And the usual order for everyone else, thanks."

Mr Goldstone whispered something into Pudge's ear, and the boy / man / creature's eyes perked up. He picked up the butcher's knife from the block, and with a speed that seemed unbelievable given the thing's side, he quickly carved out the choice pieces from a large lamb hanging from a hook and wrapped it up. Silencer watched him in awe, his movements were mesmerising.

After packaging the lamb, he set to work on the other carcasses, laughing softly to himself and repeating, "Fresh meat", over and over again. His apron was covered in blood, but he didn't seem to care, happily slashing away.

Mr Goldstone tapped Silencer on the shoulder. "I hope you don't mind, but Brody is sick today, so I've asked Pudge to help carry the meat back to the Sanctuary. He moves slowly, but he's really strong. Between the two of you, it should be an easy trip. I've told him that you lot like it quiet up there."

Silencer was reminded of the noisy brute he saw this morning. Maybe he could get him to wait outside while he slowly ferried the meat into the kitchen.

"Bit of a hack-job, that." Pudge said, toning down his voice at least 30 decibels, as he began packing the wrapped bundles of meat into a box. Silencer grabbed the smaller of the boxes, and the two of them headed towards the Sanctuary. Fortunately, it seemed Pudge was not much of a talker, so the journey was quiet.

They approached the Sanctuary, and Pudge's eyes lit up once again as he saw all the animals in the yard.

"PUDGE IS HERE!" he declared, loudly.

Silencer dropped the box and covered his ears, too incapacitated to stop Pudge from running into the Sanctuary. His eyes opened in panic, as he feared what would happen.

Pudge happily ran about, his large body knocking vases and causing the ground to shake. Book shelves were falling over. Books that had been precariously balanced in sorted stacks topped over.

"SO MUCH MEAT, SO LITTLE TIME!" He crashed through the fence towards the animals.


Silencer looked on in horror, as Pudge continued making his way towards the animals, who had sensed that something was up.


So much noise, too much noise. Silencer couldn't think properly.

The other librarians had filed out of the other rooms, coming to see what the commotion was. They were shocked at all the noise.

Silencer started to panic. They would know he was the one who had brought Pudge into the Sanctuary. He'd be the one to blame. He had to stop him somehow. But how?! He was going to get kicked out.

"SILENCE!" he screamed, as loud as he could.

Suddenly, it was quiet.



And that's how he learned his Ultimate.


I'm sorry for the crappy story, ran out of time!

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