Friday 20 February 2015


Perhaps trying to get 1000 words per day is a little ambitious.... I'm just looking through some of my only blog posts the last time I tried blogging every day, and some of them are only 2 sentences long!

Well, this one is going to be nice and short, too.

The other thing I picked up from the Men's Health seminar is that sometimes when you feel really angry, and you are struggling to think straight, a good trick is to ball up your hands into fists, take a deep breath, open your fists downwards, like you're flicking something away, and say, "FUCK IT".

I don't know how long I can keep this up. 100 seems so far away.


I should probably explain myself, because I hate it when people make posts like, "Some people just make me so angry!" and never explain why they're angry and it seems like they just want to be consoled. I don't really want to be consoled, I just mostly want to rant.

And if this sounds like I should hop on a plane and start ravaging the streets of Tokyo, then feel free to tell me that, too.

Two of my bridesmaids asked if I wanted a hens night. I said I didn't want to, as it's not really my thing, and the only one I've ever been to nearly ended up breaking the marriage. But they both said it'd be fun, and they'd plan it for me, I just needed to give them the names of who I wanted to go, and pick a date. So I said OK, and gave them the names (my friends from high school), and made a Facebook event for it. Buh-bow. Date is not good, bridesmaid 1 is not available. OK, change the date. 2 of them aren't available. Discuss when is good. Change it to that date. Oh no, that date is not good either. There really aren't all that many days left between now and the wedding, and I'm busy for quite a few of them now.

All three of them start to say, "Don't worry about me, just go with the other two," which just makes me feel like none of them really want to go. I don't want them to be there if they don't want to be there.

It's not like I can even be angry at them for not being able to attend, as they all work weekends - one is a doctor, one is a pharmacist, and one is on tech support. I'm mostly angry that I didn't want to do this in the first place, but they said that it'd be fun, only it's too difficult to find a date that works.

I just wish I had gone with my initial thought, and gone with Autofix as a bridesmaid. I get the feeling that if I had asked him to organise it, it'd be done already. And it'd probably be something awesome like going to a LAN cafe.

Anyway, it's my own fault for not sticking to my guns at the start, so I don't really have anyone else to blame. I will know better for next time, if there ever is a next time.

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