Thursday 18 November 2010

Breakfast at Tiffany's

Lucy commented that MrMan5.5 is lucky to have me because he doesn't have to buy me things like jewellery. I think it's strange to like someone because of what you don't have to do for them. I think I'm over my clothes phase. I realised that I probably spend more time interacting with people online than anywhere else, and they really don't give a shit (I snuck a swear word in, Olek, did you see, did you see?) what I'm wearing and which label it came from. Probably with the exception of Lucy, the friends that I see in person don't care all that much either - at least not enough to have ever commented on it. So what is the point in spending so much money when I don't care, and the people who care about me don't care?

In the case of MrMan5.5 being lucky, I think it's a case of "you get what you pay for". I'm not the kind of girlfriend that you can show off to your friends. I guess I'll always be more Betty Crocker than Megan Fox - I don't go to balls, or clubs, or really any of those kind of events where you can get all dressed up and show off. I don't know if that's what MrMan5.5 wanted out of a girlfriend, but since he doesn't seem to do those things either (except go to balls, I believe he went to ISSS(S?) ball one year), it probably means it's not.

His expenditure definitely went up since we started going out. Even though we usually split the bill, I drag him out to eat more often than he would if he were single. He picks me up from work/home, so he spends more petrol. I spend more, but I really don't mind. A lot of my spending, I justify in terms of movie tickets. It costs about $15 to see a movie which is usually an hour and a half, so an hour and a half of moderate entertainment is worth $15 to me. Spending time with MrMan5.5 is very entertaining, and so the cost of a meal or train ticket to see him really doesn't bother me at all.

Would it mean that he cared for me more if he spent a lot of money on me? The only thing I'd really like him to give me (a flying bison), he couldn't even if he tried. If he did buy me jewellery, it'd probably collect dust in my room.

[Slight tangent. I've never liked rings, the only one I remember was a mood ring which I bought because I thought it was cool that it could change colour based on your mood, but it never seemed to change. I found out that it changed because of your body temperature, which I thought was boring, so I either chucked it out or lost it. I think rings get in the way. Julian says I'll get used to it, but what if I don't? A while ago, I came up with a solution - I'd wear the ring around my neck on a necklace, so people could still see it and realise that I'm married, but I wouldn't have to wear it on my finger. Then [SPOILER ALERT] I saw an episode of Sex and the City, where Carrie gets an engagement ring, and she ends up wearing it around her neck because she doesn't want the commitment it comes with. That's not why I'd do it, but I don't want people thinking that. =( End tangent.]

I think it's silly to measure a relationship's worth in how much money you spend on each other - if you get married, you'll probably end up with a joint bank account, so in the end it doesn't matter anyway. It's far more important to consider whether you make each other happy, and enjoy being together. If MrMan5.5 ever bought me a ring from Tiffany's, I'd probably sell it on eBay and use the proceeds to buy WoW game cards or Arnie DVDs. I'm clearly the best girlfriend ever. *cough, cough*

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