Sunday 29 March 2015

Bridezilla Tales

I think my behaviour in the lead-up to the wedding has been not too bad. I've been stalking various subreddits to read about bridezillas because I don't want to be one of them. However, with the lack of anything meaningful to post today, I will share some of my favourites:

This one is my absolute favourite. I'm glad I never got to this level of delusion.

Someone (I'll call her Alison) has a classmate (Barbara). Barbara is getting married and asked Alison to be part of her wedding. Alison is OK with being a bridesmaid, however, that's not what Barbara has in mind. See, Barbara had a dream that Alison was playing the violin at her wedding. She woke up crying and wrote down the idea, which she now informs Alison about. Not only that, but she has already gone and bought a $2000 violin! The only issue is the fact that Alison doesn't play the violin. That story had a sad ending (the update is a different post), turns out Barbara was diagnosed with manic-depressive bipolar, so maybe that shouldn't count as a bridezilla story. :(

Bride has a massive dress that requires three people to hold it up while she pees. After she is done peeing, she orders one of her bridesmaids to wipe her. Bridesmaid declines. Oh, god, I hope I can pee while I'm in my dress. I never tested it out! Worst case, I'll take it off while in the stall. Or bring a bottle....

Had weekly 3-hour meetings with all six of her bridesmaids to prepare for the wedding. Also, in response to having her maid of honour spend hours cooking for her 1-year anniversary party, she comments, "That's what the 'maid' in 'maid of honour' is for".

Not entirely bridezilla, but pretty weird. Bride's family tries to financially blackmail the groom into paying for a wedding when he doesn't even want to get married. They try to get him to sign a contract saying that he'll pay for the wedding even if he decides not to go through with it. He doesn't. Wedding day rolls around and he admits to the catering staff that he really doesn't want to marry this woman. They convince him to run for the hills. Bride and her family get pissed off, but since the venue, food, and DJ have already been paid for, they decide to stay and "party".

Set in the days of film cameras, where you have rolls of film that need to be developed later before you can see the photos. Bride demands to see the photos that have been taken so far. The photographer explains that they need to be developed first, so she can't see the right now. She ends up breaking into his bag and opening up rolls of film trying to look at the photos. Of course, this ruins the film, and so the photos can't be developed anymore. Bride gets mad that the photos have been damaged. Then she comes over to the photographer with a couple of glasses of wine. She drinks from one glass, and pours the other one on him, ruining his camera. The next day, her father says that they refuse to pay for the ruined photos, as they're not going to get them. And they also refused to pay to replace the camera. Luckily, the photographers said that if they don't pay, they won't get any of the photos, so they ended up paying for everything (the photographer added some secret costs to cover the camera replacement).

Short and sad. Bridesmaid has been trying to get pregnant for a while. She and her husband finally manage it. Bride kicks her out of the wedding party because she'll look pregnant in the pictures. Former-bridesmaid ends up miscarrying. Bride's response, "Good, well, now you can be back in the wedding." Former-bridesmaid declines.

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