Thursday 12 March 2015

CBF Games

Oops, I fell asleep cuddling MrMan5.5 last night, and didn't write anything or study like I was supposed to. Quick post for today, as I need to get back to the books, got a practice exam with Grad Daniel at 3pm.


I am captain of the activities committee for our team social event. Our job is to put together some fun games for the team to play during our yearly BBQ, things like egg and spoon race, tug of war, etc. We have hired a lawn bowling rink (is that the word?) for the day, so there will be that as well.

To be honest, I think people are overestimating how much the people on our team like to play games. All people seem to want to do is chill out, eat some sausages and drink beer - which is what usually happens at the BBQs, and who can blame them, I think it's an awesome way to spend an afternoon. One of the other guys is super enthusiastic, and wants to organise a round robin lawn bowling competition, and I'm having a hard time trying to get him to see the reality - most people are going to toss a couple of bowls at most, and then sit back to some beers.

I'm trying to push everyone into coming up with low effort games, that people can play while eating and drinking, but that can also be fun. It's actually really hard to come up with what I'm going to call "CBF games" - for the people who can't be fucked doing anything. It would be nice to have some games though, as the entire point of this social event is to bring together the 200 people in our team, and have them get to know each other, since we all work together.

I initially suggested drinking games, like Never Have I Ever, but then I remembered that it's a work function, and we really shouldn't be promoting heavy drinking. I really love that game though, as it's great for really getting to know people. There's also the Saint game, where everyone stands up, and the announcer reads out bad actions, like "Sit down if you've ever received a parking ticket". The last person standing is a "saint" and wins the game. Though I think that game just makes people lie.

We're going to keep thinking about it though, hopefully we can think of something before the event.


Yesterday I learned that you can use scientific notation to declare numbers in Java.

e.g. double num = 1.05325e3;

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