Wednesday 21 January 2015

People I am Grateful For - D, E and F

I'm already bored of this topic, but the show must go on. 6 down, 20 more to go.

We've been friends since before primary school, and it wasn't even me that did it, it was all you. You were like my guardian in primary school, as I was far too shy to make my own friends, so I just leeched off yours. You taught me drinking games, even though I am just as horrible at them now as I was the first time. I'm really glad I did not decorate your backyard with my dinner.

We grew apart once we moved to different schools, but we still stayed in contact with the occasional snail mail letter! It was always so fun to get a letter in the mail from you.

You were the cool big sister that I never had, and I'm grateful that I had you to take care of me. I wanted to ask you to be a bridesmaid at my wedding, to have someone from primary school, someone from high school, and someone from university, but you were having issues with your current partner at the time, so I didn't want to rub it in. However, you are also engaged now, and have bought your own house, which I think is awesome. I am glad things are looking up for you. :)


When it comes to gamers, I often think of the 50 dkp minus guy (needs link here) yelling at his raid for not performing. I just thought this was the standard in the top raiding guilds, because you don't want to waste the time of 39 other people. We did have our 50 dkp minus guy, who I wrote to yesterday, but on the flip side, we had you. You weren't the guild leader, the raid leader, or even the mage leader, but everyone in the guild respected you and your skills. You always seemed to have an infinite level of patience, and I never once saw you rage.

You were the reason I wanted to get better at DotA. No matter how bad I was, you were always willing to play with me and get me to improve. Although to be honest, you carried me every game.

That day where we met up on Bored Aussies' Warcraft 3 server after we had both left WoW still shines in my memory. For the first time since those Tuesday WoW maintenance DotA matches, we were finally playing as equals and I felt so proud when we won the game.

DotA, and MOBAs in general, are famous for being really tough to get into, and full of vitriol for new players. Thank you for guiding me through that initial tough period, and for introducing me to one of my favourite games.


I think we both have to admit that the school we went to was not of the greatest reputation. However, you managed to be one of the standout teachers in my memory. I remember cringing when at one of the parent-teacher days, my mum complained that I wasn't getting enough homework, and you told her that you'd find me more stuff to do. I dreaded science class because it just meant getting even more work, and I was afraid of people thinking I was a nerd because you were giving me extra work sheets to take home.

Fast forward to the last two years of high school, and the introduction of the standalone chemistry subject. I remember staying after school to talk over the theories on the structure of atoms with you. And how you told me about Schrodinger and his cat in a box thought experiment. Though I never progressed past a rudimentary understanding of quantum physics, it was amazing to see the way you lit up when you talked about it. And of course, your charming English accent made it all the more nicer to hear. Now that I have some friends who have become teachers, I realise how much of a sacrifice it was for you to stay back after school, since you were giving up your precious free time. So I really appreciate all that you did for me.

The fact that I never studied chemistry at uni still makes me sad now, and I know I could read up on it in my spare time, but I feel so lost now, and a lot of the things that I knew back then are completely foreign to me now.

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