Wednesday 28 January 2015

People I Am Grateful For - N, O, and P


We were brought together on that fateful enrolment day, you being one of the few other people who studied arts/engineering. You got me to sign up for the roleplaying club at uni, which ended up being a huge influence on my life. You were my inner nerd, you introduced me to a world filled with people like me, and at the risk of sounding emo, people who understood me. I actually dreamed about being at uni, studying by myself in the library every day, and all of those plans were ruined by you.

I remember being on a quest for a gay best friend, because it seemed like some manic pixie dream girl whimsical thing to do, and  you made fun of me for it, and for the fact that someone who said he wasn't gay was going to be really sad because I thought he was. But funnily enough, it turns out I kinda completed my quest without knowing it.

You, "I" and I were my core friendship group throughout uni, and even though we didn't even study the same thing, we still managed to keep close the whole time. I am incredibly grateful that I had the two of you to get me through.

I really enjoy how much you make me think. You have a very unique view of the world (and I don't mean that in a bad way, it's just the incredibly combination of interests that you have make conversations with you always interesting, even though you and MrMan5.5 can never seem to agree). You're one of my favourite people to play the hypothetical game with.

Though I disagree with your views on fat people, some of your rants did motivate me to do some exercise, and I'm also grateful that you were willing to go running with slowpoke me. Even though I finally managed to get a 6 on the beep test, I still don't think I could outrun a crazy, angry gambler from the casino. Luckily for me, I'm not in that situation anymore.

I'm really grateful that I met you, I'm grateful for the social support I've received from you, and I'm grateful for you not spreading that story about me and the Spanish guy anymore.


I thank you for understanding and supporting me during my career as a croupier, and for keeping me company while I was in vampire mode. It was hard explaining to some people that I take people's money for a living, but you never judged.

You also pushed me to get better at HoN and Dota 2.


You were my first girl-gamer and programmer role model, proof that you can be a girl-gamer, work in IT, and not be completely socially maladjusted.


"O" and "P", you two were my favourite UST entertainment, but in light of recent events, I've decided it's time to change the channel. I had planned to write a lot more about the two of you, but I just really don't feel very grateful right now. I enjoy spending time with you both, but I'm sorry, I need a break.

Oh, and "P", I lied to you. I do have balsamic vinegar at home - not because of MrMan5.5, but because I think it's delicious with salad. This is Australia, and you can buy it at the supermarket, and alarms don't go off "Beep beep beep, someone who isn't white is buying balsamic vinegar. Arrest them!"

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