Saturday 24 January 2015

People I am Grateful For - J

When we first met, I was in a pretty unhealthy relationship, though I didn't know it at the time. We had "broken up" yet again as he hopped on a plane and flew to Spain, and I alternated between moping in WoW and moping in real life over how I was going to get him back (on the plus side, I finally managed to get to level 60). Those Korean panda trainers, I'll never forget that they were the reason we met.

I honestly cannot remember what we talked about, but I do remember that over time, we just kept talking more and more. One day, we were talking until quite late, and you mentioned you had a flying lesson pretty early in the morning. I told you to go to bed, but you wanted to keep talking. Eventually, we did sleep, and when I didn't hear from you for most of the next day, I thought the worst. I felt so relieved when I finally saw that popup saying you were online.

That began my addiction to seeing your name appear. I would get such a rush, and I always wanted to say, "Hi" as soon as I saw it, but I didn't want to appear like an overeager schoolgirl, so I'd battle with myself over how long to wait until I could open the chat window. Then you would say, "Hi!" and I'd feel like I could burst with happiness. We got to the point where we were going to exchange photos, but in the proviso that we duel each other in game. I dueled every rogue in my guild as preparation, and read so many priest vs rogue guides. You are the reason Shadow Word: Pain is bound to my fastest pressed key, and still is, as I trained myself to press it as soon as I heard that whooo (Youtube link) sound. Spin around while healing so you don't get gouged. Save fear for when you get kicked. DoT as soon as you can. Kite as much as possible.

It was all for nothing though, as I lost against you again and again. You had a picture of me, but I had none of you, which infuriatingly just added to your allure even more. I think you ended up sending one out of pity though, as I did get one, but I don't remember ever winning. You showed me that this is what it should feel like to love someone, not that you are their emotional dumping ground for how badly the world has treated them, and how you have to make them happy again.

You are also the first person I'd met who loves his job. Loves his job a lot - and still does, nearly 10 years later, according to your presentation at PAX. So much so that you even wrote your own games in your spare time, although a quick Google search shows that your webpage hasn't been updated in a few years, mostly because you're not allowed to anymore. You helped me get through algorithms, even though you detested the theory-heavy nature that my alma mater is famous for. You were the first to make me feel like programming as a career can be fun.

I wanted to say thank you to you, for bringing passion back to my heart, and to my work - I kinda like the fact that you've had such a big impact on my life, and we've still never met. I also wanted to say goodbye, because after hitting submit on this post, I am compartmentalizing you away. You are happily married, and judging by Facebook (you've locked yours down, but you should probably tell your wife not to share her stuff with the public), it looks like you just had your first child. I am soon to happily married. So long, and thanks for all the crippling poison to the face.


I know that I said I'd think about sending some of these out to their intended recipients, but this is not going to be one of those.

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