Friday 30 January 2015

Relationship Celliebration Book

Before MrMan5.5, I wanted the Hollywood chick flick romance - the guy chases the girl, there is some misunderstanding, the guy realises he can't live without the girl, and he chases after her again, and they end up happily ever after. I've matured a lot more since then, and I think now what I want is what Carl and Ellie shared in Up (warning: while it's not that scene, it's still a kick in the guts, so you probably shouldn't watch it if you haven't seen Up before, and you should definitely not watch it if you have seen it already).

It's just about two people who fall in love, and their adventures together. Despite the things that happen to them, they roll with the punches, and overall, they support each other. That's what I want - somebody to share my adventures with, and grow old with. He doesn't have to buy me super sparkly stuff, or hijack a plane that's about to take off just to confess his love for me.

Inspired by Carl and Ellie's romance, I want to make a photo book like Ellie's adventure book, as a guest book to have at the wedding (the book that guests at the wedding can sign and leave messages in). Here is a video showing the adventure book (same warning applies here as above).

I know some people are huge fans of photos, but I love taking them because I like looking back at all the things that I've done, and the people that I've done them with. Some of you may remember that I decided to make a photo book of my gaming experiences, and I did. I flicked through it again today, and it was nice remembering the events.

Here are some pics in case you haven't seen it yet!

I've been going through old photos of me and MrMan5.5 and it has been really fun. Though the good thing about being a photographer is that there usually aren't any photos of you. The bad part about being a photographer is there usually aren't any photos of you... I think some family members have some actual film photos though, so I'm going to see if I can get my hands on some of those.

Since there aren't that many photos of us, I might find some of the things that brought us together, or some of the non-photographed adventures that we've had.

I will post pics once I'm done!

(I'm sorry for the sub-par word count (427), will make up for it after this book is done.)

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