Wednesday 4 October 2017

Cinnamon Bun Day

Happy Cinnamon Bun Day, or Kanelbullens dag! (Why can't I get mine to be as pretty as everyone else's?)

As I mentioned earlier in the year, I was so happy when I discovered that Sweden has a day dedicated to the cinnamon bun. Out of all the herbs and spices in our house, the one that has to be restocked the most often is cinnamon, it's just so delicious. It probably doesn't help that apple pie / tart is one of my favourite foods, and cinnamon plays a big part in the deliciousness.

There's a Swedish word, "fika" which means socialising with food and drink, kinda like catching up for coffee, but not necessarily with coffee. It's back slang, the word comes from kaffi, which is an earlier variant of the Swedish word for coffee, kaffee. Stuff like that just makes me love Sweden even more.

I first started researching Sweden after Trump's "Last night in Sweden" comment, and Sweden's hilarious responses to it, but I've already written about that, so I won't repeat myself.

I have a lot of other stuff I need to get done before Thursday, so I'm going to cut this short. I try to average 500 words per day, but some days I write over 2,000, so posts like these have to balance them out!

I'll add that eating too much cinnamon can be toxic to you! According to Wikipedia, you shouldn't be eating more than 1g of cinnamon per day, based on a 50kg person. That's a lot of cinnamon!

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