Tuesday 31 October 2017

Bane of My Existence

Can you guess when my subscription to Photoshop ran out based on the recent quality of my images?

I got asked a question, "If I were a Dota hero, which one would I be?" which sounds like a question from one of those ad-filled websites, "Which is your spirit power ranger?" but I did try to answer it sincerely, and in the end, I chose Bane.

My most played hero are Crystal Maiden, Rubick and Silencer, and my most successful hero (with more than 10 games) is Magnus (75% with 12 games) - though more realistically, KotL (60% with 122 games). But I don't think any of those heroes suit my personality. I like Silencer the most, because I like stealing people's int, as I know how frustrating it can be playing heroes like Crystal Maiden, who really feel it when they have a diminished mana pool. I don't think he suits my personality though.

The first hero that jumped out at me was Bane. Mostly because of his ult, and I think this is probably a core part of my personality (Bane's ultimate skill is Fiend's Grip, and is a channelled spell which stops your target from being able to do anything except writhe around in pain, but you can't do anything else either as you have to focus your attention on them 100%). I find that when something or someone captures my attention, it absorbs my focus. Almost to the point that I would say I have an addictive personality. When the target of my attention is a person, then that's where the trouble begins. I find that I become hyperaware. For instance, a week ago, NMG was invisible to me. Sure, I knew who he was, and I'd talk to him when the need arose, but other than that, he was white noise. Ever since the moustache compliment challenge, I've become incredibly aware of where he is at all times. I can pick his voice out of a crowd. I've started noticing things like when he arrives at work, when he tends to go to lunch, when he goes for a coffee, where he likes to sit in meetings.

Fortunately, there will usually be someone around to interrupt my ultimate, before I go too far off the deep end. But there was one case where I finished channelling, and let's just say, my poor victim is married to me now.

As for his other skills:

Enfeeble: reduces an enemy hero's attack damage.
In a weird way, I think I do this by befriending people. It's possible that it's just because of my gender, but I find that my co-workers are less inclined to say bad things to me, or blame me for things, and I think it's because I'm friendly. Jal says that nobody minds it when I change their desktop background, or leave silly text documents on their computer because they like me. Not that I see my co-workers as enemies!

Brain sap: drains life from an enemy hero.
MrFodder always accuses me of draining his energy. I very rarely drink coffee and get up a stupid o'clock, yet somehow I'm annoyingly cheerful at work. His theory is that he's always so tired because I drain his energy away.

Nightmare: Bane puts an enemy hero to sleep. If the slept target is attacked, the attacker will fall asleep.
Well, I think this blog speaks enough on its own. Have you seen my 4000 word diatribes on Star Wars?! And then if some poor sap gets tricked into linking it to one of their friends, well, let me tell you: let this nightmare never end.

For a creepy note to end this post, as Bane would say, "See you in your dreams." (Warning: it's kinda loud)

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