Wednesday 18 October 2017

Koko Black

Koko Black is a chocolate shop that started in Melbourne, and now has stores in Sydney, Perth, Adelaide and Canberra. Poor Brisbane, must feel bad if Adelaide gets picked over you. Despite the fact that it's dairy-based, I prefer milk chocolate over dark chocolate, and non-dairy chocolate usually means the super dark stuff (70%+). When I saw this honeycomb chocolate that's only 54% dark chocolate, I got super excited.

One of our lunchtime conversations at work started with me describing my latest ice-cream experiment. I told them about the lamington flavoured ice-cream, inspired by MrFodder, and one of them asked what flavour of ice-cream would be my flavour. I'm still undecided on the answer. At first I thought anpan, as it's one of my favourite foods. Then I thought banana and oats, because that's the breakfast I eat every day, and I love it so much I eat it for dessert. It shouldn't be too hard to turn into an ice-cream, because you just need to add milk and you're done. There's also tomato sauce, which would be horrific as an ice-cream flavour, but I can't get enough of the stuff.

But related to today's photo, one of my co-workers said his flavour is chocolate honey nougat. Not that it's the same, but chocolate honeycomb ice-cream also sounded delicious, and since this chocolate is dairy-free, I thought I'd try it out and see if it'd make a good ice-cream flavour.

It's deeeeeeeeeeelicious. It doesn't taste like the grainy honeycomb you get in Crunchie bars, it's a hard honeycomb, a bit like hard toffee, and it tastes a lot like honey. I don't know how they did it, but I think if I could make that honeycomb and break it into small pieces, it'd add a nice crunchy texture to the ice-cream. Do people want crunchy ice-cream? Actually, maybe not. I'm a fan of super creamy ice-cream, so maybe the soft, grainy Crunchie-style honeycomb is better.

Ahhhhhhh, too many food decisions!

I also happened to pick the worst time to buy chocolate, as if feels like Summer is here! The chocolate melted on the way home. :(

Completely unrelated tangent: this past week has felt pretty long. My boss is overseas, so I've been temporarily asked to fill his boots, and he has really big shoes! I do want to order a fake beard to wear when he comes back, but MrFodder said it's a waste of money, so I'll make one out of paper instead. But it has solidified in my mind that I'm not management material. I really struggle to pay attention in these endless meetings, and all the context switching is really killing my productivity. I've been tempted to start going into the office at 6am just so I can get a continuous period of undisturbed work, and since I'm taking a break to let my foot heal, I can probably pull it off.

I'm already starting to plan a holiday for when he gets back. Maybe I'll go to Sydney for a week. Or chill at home. Chilling at home sounds like a better plan. Can catch up on some sleep, and make more ice-cream.

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